
  • Volume 28
    Vol. 28 No. 2 (2024)

    Before the year ends, We are pleased to announce the release of Volume 28, Issue 2, of Central Mindanao University Journal of Science (CMUJS), the official international, peer-reviewed, and opened-access journal of Central Mindanao University.

    Vol. 28 No.2 (2024) features 1 Policy Brief and 9 Research articles. Start with Hot Water Treatment as a Measure to Minimize Growth Stress Related defects on Falcata wood, followed by research articles that cover diverse topics such as species composition and local assessment of butterflies, as well as antibacterial and secondary metabolite detection on fungi. Along with this article, exploration of active aging and well-being of an Indigent person in the Informal Economy, Agronomic diversity and yield potential of short-statured play, GIS-based multi-criteria for retarding basin site, optimizing strategies for the pilot aerobics, the phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of Atuna racemose Raf., Spotting Predatory Journals, and Intercultural Lens on the Japanese Noh.

  • Vol. 28 No. 1 (2024)

    Vol. 28 No.1 (2024), featuring insightful perspectives and research articles. Start with the perspective article of Dr. Givheart Dano that tackles the strengthening of outcome-based education. It follows the research article that covers diverse topics, such as the proximal surrogate measures for proactive safety evaluation of right-angle Vehicle collisions in an Intersection, Mentor-reflective Theory in Teacher Onboarding, Vitellogenin Induction in Male Oreochromis Niloticus, Assessment of plants and conservative status for commodification of locals, Determining the initial Abstraction ratio of the upper sawaga watershed, Mediating role of self-esteem on the association between fraternity engagement and social behavior, grade 11 English writing anxiety across sex and social class; comparative analysis of Aseel and Broiler chicken, and lexicons and its meaning in the matigsalug manobo rituals.

  • Vol. 27 No. 2 (2023)

    Vol. 27 No. 2 (2023) presents a diverse array of original articles covering various topics in research and analysis. Articles include investigations into communication styles among Mobile Legends Bang-Bang players, a proposed conceptual framework for integrating agent-based microsimulation into demand models, mining indigenous fruit trees for essential oils with antibacterial properties, geo-hazard assessment in Barangay Kiorao, adaptability of high school teachers during the pandemic, competency mapping in rural communities, Filipino soldiers' well-being, nursing knowledge development, diet and sanitation assessment in Bukang liwayway, remote sensing for tree plantation characterization, and the prevalence of zoonotic gastrointestinal parasites in cattle. This issue contributes valuable insights across multiple disciplines and domains. 

  • Vol. 27 No. 1 (2023)

    This issue, Vol. 27 No. 1 (2023), features insightful perspectives and research articles. Rubie Andoy Arroyo examines the living conditions and academic performance of students in boarding houses in Northern Mindanao in the perspective article. Research articles cover diverse topics such as the growth response of potted lettuce using bio-organic fertilizer, the performance of first-year physical education students in physical fitness, grade 9 students' English performance at the University of San Carlos-North Campus, gender-based destination models during a flood evacuation in Quezon City, nutrient intakes of school-age children in Davao City, the therapeutic potential of the nootropic agent Noopept for depression and mood disorders, and the development and evaluation of the "Acadi Math Made Easy" board game for mathematics education.

  • Vol. 26 No. 2 (2022)

    This issue, Vol. 26 No. 2 (2022), featuring insightful perspectives and research articles. Ma. Bernadeth Lim and Hector Jr Lim explore shared mobility for integrated transportation in their perspective article. Research covers gall rust disease, food security in Bukidnon, grammatical deviations in Philippine English, peri-pandemic physical activity, 'Carabao' mango response to 1-methylcyclopropene, student academic achievement during the pandemic, modeling high school performance, the impact of positive psychology-themed storybooks, COVID-19 dynamics in Davao City, academic services in isolated areas, antibiofilm activity of Erigeron floribundus, and game-based strategies in science learning. This issue offers valuable insights into contemporary scientific and educational research.

  • Vol. 26 No. 1 (2022)

    Welcome to the Vol. 26 No. 1 (2022) issue, featuring insightful perspectives and research articles. Ma. Bernadeth Lim, Hector Jr Lim, and Joy Mae Anabo examine the implications of travel behavior determinants on transportation planning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research articles cover diverse topics including GIS-based mapping of flash flood susceptible areas, predicting organizational change in health institutions, compliment strategies on Filipino Facebook users' photo comment sections, reading comprehension in textbooks, CTU student journalists' training needs, differentiated instruction in teaching English literature, work-life balance among Central Mindanao University employees, macro-minerals and antioxidant activity of ginger and turmeric, and parents' roles in modular-distance learning.

  • Vol. 25 No. 2 (2021)

    Explore the latest research findings in this issue, Vol. 25 No. 2 (2021). Jose Jr Obedencio and colleagues present a perspective article on the efficacy of Azadirachta indica, Tinospora rumphii, and Vitex negundo against Sarcoptes scabiei in vitro. Research articles delve into topics such as the faunal composition of macromoths in Mt. Musuan, phytochemical and oral toxicity studies of Chromolaena odorata leaf extract, species richness and status of pteridophytes in Mount Timolan Protected Landscape, the effect of boiling time and storage conditions on the physico-chemical properties of Flacourtia jangomas fruit, factors affecting the nodulation of Pongamia pinnata inoculated with Rhizobium mesoamericanum, and anti-microbial properties of selected plant leaf extracts against Aspergillus niger, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus.

  • Vol. 25 No. 1 (2021)

    This journal presents a diverse range of research articles in its latest issue, Vol. 25 No. 1 (2021), offering valuable insights into educational practices and technological advancements. Shirley Frigillano explores the use of emotive language in virtual interactions for remote learning in the perspective article "Emotive Language in Virtual Interaction on Learning from Home." Other research articles delve into topics such as energy audit in educational buildings, non-destructive determination of pineapple maturity using acoustic impulse impedance technique, rapid riparian assessment of critical rivers, adaptability of public school teachers during the pandemic, setup reproducibility in radiotherapy, and the potential of off-grid microhydro for powering streetlights. This issue provides a comprehensive exploration of current issues and innovations in education and technology.

  • Vol. 24 No. 2 (2020)

    Explore the insightful articles presented in this issue, Vol. 24 No. 2 (2020). Take a tour through the wide range of research articles that shed light on the social, environmental, and scientific landscapes of Mindanao. Every contribution provides insightful information, ranging from Eva Natividad-Mendoza and Raquelyn Jumawan-Dadang's examination of the dynamics of Muslim women traders in Bukidnon to Dennis Relojo-Howell's investigation of resilience and blogging as psychological interventions. Talk about the prevalence of dog bites, online learning readiness, antibacterial qualities of plant extracts, Lake Apo ecotourism, and applications of quantum mechanics. This issue greatly advances both academic discussion and real-world applications by providing a thorough resource for comprehending the complex dynamics of Mindanao.

  • Vol. 24 No. 1 (2020)

    The journal features topics on social and natural sciences, specifically on (1) Challenges in Teaching During the Time of Pandemic, (2) Antibacterial Activity of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Using Banana Peel Extract against Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria, (3) Utilization of Cogon (Imperata cylindrica L.) Silage and Urea-Treated Corn (Zea mays L.) Stover as Affected by Supplementation, (4) Disaster Risk Reduction Management in Carcar Central Elementary School Cebu City, (5) Socioeconomic status and Self-efficacy vis-a-vis Academic Performance, (6) Utilization of Unwanted Weed, Paragis Leaves (Eleusine indica Linn.) in Cookie Production (7) Graduate Theses’ Rhetorical Moves in the Introduction and Methodology Sections and (8)A Documentary Analysis of USC Linguistics Faculty Publications from 2006-2017.

  • Vol. 23 No. 2 (2019)

     The articles presented in this second issue of Volume 23 focuses on Natural Science with a perspective article about Food Security amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, it covers topics on Physico-Chemical Properties of the Fish Pond Water in CMU, Bukidnon, Philippines; Fish Abundance and Physicochemical Properties of Matingao River and Marbel River, Mount Apo Natural Park, Mindanao, Philippines; Growth and Profitability of Broilers with Vermimeal on Ration Under Two Management;  Saluyot (Corchorus olitorius L.) Leaves as Acoustic Gel for Ultrasound Imaging; Computational Modeling and Simulation of Linear Accelerator Performance for General Radiotherapy and; Eggshells as Alternative Shielding Material Against Diagnostic X-rays.

  • Vol. 23 No. 1 (2019)

    The research topics published in this journal are all original and underwent a double-blind peer-review process, which constitutes the internal and external review, and post-peer review process by the associate and language editors before publication. This issue covers topics on social sciences such as Concept of Self, Struggles, and Aspirations of Badjaus Who are Temporarily Settling in Bukidnon Province; Linguistic Cityscape of Billboard Advertisement; Functions, Characteristics, Effectiveness of the Selected Public Signs; Students' Perceptions and Learning Gains using Whole Brain Teaching Strategy; Cebuano Particles and their Functions in the Selected Radio Segments; The Bliss and Burdens of Grandparents in Child Caregiving: The Case in Bukidnon, and a perspective on Challenges of Nurses when Information Technology Fails.

  • Vol. 22 No. 1 (2018)

    Publication in a scientific journal is one of the best channels of disseminating 
    research and a mark of achievement in any research university like ours.  Thus, CMU 
    Journal of Science (CMUJS), in line with our long-standing commitment in publishing 
    scholarly articles in social sciences, has now come up with the first issue of Volume 
    22, consisting of six research articles and one perspective article on Marawi war. 

    This issue covers topics on Community Participatory Action Research, Positive 
    Thinking, Manobo–Pulangihon Women, Communication Strategies, Discourse 
    Analysis on Tausug’s Identity, and lastly, Fishing and Conservation Initiatives. All 
    articles are original and were subject to the double-blind peer review process.  

  • Vol. 22 No. 2 (2018)

    The research topics published in this journal are all academically stimulating and diverse.  The dominant category is on environmental sciences, including the perspective piece on Technospheric Mining by our internationally-based EB member Dr. Alorro. The  research articles which  centered on environment were the  papers  entitled  Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Field Burning of Crop residues in the Philippines: 1990-2015, Litterfall Production and Litter Turnover in the Long Term Ecological Research  (LTER) Sites in Southern Philippines, and Assessment of Termite Infestation in Academic Infrastructures in Central Mindanao University. After all, research outputs on the environment should be shared to everyone within and without the academic community.