Mathematics Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs Survey in all Levels of Education in Bukidnon, Philippines
self-efficacy beliefs, factor analysis, eigenvalues, varimax rotationAbstract
In Mathematics in all levels of education in Bukidnon, Philippines. A Mathematics Self-Efficacy Beliefs Questionnaire developed by Benjamin (2003) and Bandura (1994) on a five Likert scale was adopted. Before the use of the questionnaire, it was tried out to thirty (30) Mathematics Teachers not included in the study. The questionnaire was found valid and reliable with alpha reliability coefficient of 0.75 which indicates the instrument is reliable. The instrument was administered to 160 mathematics teachers from the elementary, secondary, and tertiary levels. Their responses were analyzed using factor analytic method. A principal factor with iteration was employed. Likewise, varimax rotation method was also used. Results of the study show five factors with eigenvalues greater than one emerged from the factor analysis of the Mathematics teacher’s response to the self-efficacy beliefs scale. These factors will inform the administrators on the teacher quality and effectiveness/self-efficacy in Mathematics teaching. Understanding the self-efficacy beliefs can be useful to teacher education programs in improving teaching effectiveness and beliefs of teachers in the educational system.