Vol. 28 No. 2 (2024): Volume 28

Before the year ends, We are pleased to announce the release of Volume 28, Issue 2, of Central Mindanao University Journal of Science (CMUJS), the official international, peer-reviewed, and opened-access journal of Central Mindanao University.
Vol. 28 No.2 (2024) features 1 Policy Brief and 9 Research articles. Start with Hot Water Treatment as a Measure to Minimize Growth Stress Related defects on Falcata wood, followed by research articles that cover diverse topics such as species composition and local assessment of butterflies, as well as antibacterial and secondary metabolite detection on fungi. Along with this article, exploration of active aging and well-being of an Indigent person in the Informal Economy, Agronomic diversity and yield potential of short-statured play, GIS-based multi-criteria for retarding basin site, optimizing strategies for the pilot aerobics, the phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of Atuna racemose Raf., Spotting Predatory Journals, and Intercultural Lens on the Japanese Noh.