Mentor-Reflective Theory in Teacher Onboarding


  • Dr. Andrew S. Dy University of San Carlos / Cebu City, Philippines Author
  • Dr. Ernil D. Sumayao Biliran Province State University/ Biliran, Philippines Author



Beginning teachers, Deductive axiomatic, Grounded theory, Mentor-reflective theory, Teacher mentoring program


Effective mentoring is paramount for developing 21st-century teachers and shaping their knowledge, skills, attitudes, and career progression. This research employs Corbin and Strauss's (2015) grounded theory approach, a qualitative methodology that systematically generates theory from empirical data. Aligned with the study's deductive approach, Padua's deductive axiomatic technique underpins theory development. Three axioms are identified: (1) Professional development enhances novice teachers' pedagogical strategies and confidence; (2) Mentorship enriches mentor leadership through structured training and observation; (3) Structured induction supports novice teachers' pedagogical advancement. These axioms yield five key assertions: (1) Professional development readies novice teachers; (2) Mentoring refines novice teachers' skills; (3) Reflective mentoring imparts organizational values and norms; (4) Teacher mentoring influences self-efficacy and job satisfaction; (5) This culminates in the Mentor-Reflective Theory for Teacher Onboarding, emphasizing the professional growth of new educators.


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How to Cite

Dy, A., & Sumayao, E. . (2024). Mentor-Reflective Theory in Teacher Onboarding. CMU Journal of Science, 28(1), 31-41.

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