Assessment of Plants and Conservation Status for Commodification of Local of Brgy. Bukangliwayway, Kibawe, Bukidnon, Philippines
Conservation initiatives, Commodification, Bukangliwayway, EndemicAbstract
Preliminary assessment of Brgy. Bukangliwayway revealed that the natural forest stands have been denuded leaving only scanty forests fragments which may still contain indigenous plants of the locality. Thus, this paper provides the lists of plants with emphasis on their conservation and propagation protocol of selected endemic and indigenous economic species of plants as a form of ex situ conservation. Field exploration and a transect survey with two (2) sampling sites were established in the area. The wildlings of the four species such as Adiantum capillus-veneris L., Artocarpus ovatus Blanco, Lygodium circinnatum (Burm.f.) Sw. and Mischocarpus sp. were collected for ex situ conservation. There were 123 species under 112 genera and 58 families were listed. Assessment of the species revealed two (2) Endangered (EN), four (4) Vulnerable (V), two (2) Other Threatened (OTS), three (3)Near Threatened (NT) and thirty-five (35) Less Concerned (LC) plant specieswhile fourteen (14) endemic species were documented. Six (6) A. capillus-veneris, eleven (11) A. ovatus, three (3)
L.circinnatum and fifty-four (54) Mischocarpus sp. wildlings were propagated.Mischocarpus sp showed highest survival rate implying the great potential ofthe species to be mass propagated. Since Bukangliwayway harbors a numberof threatened and endemic species, it is recommended that the remainingforests be conserved and in-situ conservation must also be implemented.
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